State Wise General Insurance Premium


2017 - 2018







The graph shows the state-wise premium collection by all the general insurance companies from 2014-2018.

State / Union Territory General Insurance Premium of 2014 - 2018

State / Union Territory 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Andhra Pradesh 53792.08 51482.35 53171.21 59099.46
Arunachal Pradesh 1507.45 1450.88 422.69 192.81
Assam 7398.27 9251.14 8359.45 9100.97
Bihar 4317.4 14566.57 13045.18 14300.5
Chattisgarh 12344.29 17315.81 18299.03 55843.73
Goa 3894.54 13099.55 8090.3 14543.46
Gujarat 127713.17 141262.79 150772.22 210312.36
Haryana 83415.32 106324.88 107478.74 162988.04
Himachal Pradesh 3023.15 2114.33 1991.76 2836.02
Jammu & Kashmir 1573.37 4159.9 13681.63 3067.56
Jharkhand 7584.02 22866.87 6751.87 9376.62
Karnataka 216390.35 259432.46 284190.22 367980.63
Kerala 69047.85 85249.31 91393.1 120059.6
Madhya Pradesh 24771.68 60267.91 35965.99 52512.53
Maharasthra 630568.31 757775.54 1244658.94 1179806.3
Manipur 273.69 270.82 351.01 371.65
Meghalaya 1033.84 1868.38 5260.47 3989.27
Mizoram 1155.58 1089.68 4023.06 1505.8
Nagaland 62.98 246.13 180.45 252.44
Orissa 25438.13 25131.67 21536.22 31500.52
Punjab 20245.21 28500.72 59700.15 46832.44
Rajasthan 28439.24 47369.67 33844.49 130159.38
Sikkim 100.55 18910.11 827.42 260.73
Tamil Nadu 262172.89 281872.62 278203.85 447513.88
Telangana 34258.21 57284.13 62345.19 121910.55
Tripura 2331.6 12505.27 1289.56 859.53
Uttar Pradesh 69559.06 74189.44 103627.15 134020.39
Uttrakhand 5556.27 11115.56 11398.37 12344.97
West Bengal 101686.07 110476.13 157913.74 181156.44
Andaman Nicobar Island 26.06 143.99 46.29 74.39
Chandigarh 6163 6609.3 16939.28 13975.52
Dadra Nagara Haveli 475.83 350.91 3582.26 1167.87
Daman Diu 588.44 627.44 447.13 419.38
Delhi 171872.48 210465.39 229078.7 306918.57
Lakshadweep 2.13 1.71 350.49 116.52
Puducherry 1234.63 1588.74 3756.19 2412.41

State-wise general insurance helps us to analyse the growth of general insurance premium in each state and do a comparison on the same basis. The factors that lead to the change in the premium can also be identified.