Professional Indemnity Insurance for Doctors

Policy Benefits -

Cover for Medical Negligence Cases

Cover for Defense Cost

Cover for Breach of Confidentiality

Cover for Loss of Document

Lawyer Panel

PAN India Coverage

Professional Indemnity Insurance for Doctors

PolicyX has been customer-oriented & trusted for 10 years now!

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Premium starts from INR 250*

Compare & find the best Doctor's Professional Indemnity Insurance Plan

Sum Insured

Your Specialisation

Reliance Health Insurance

Premium ----

Claim Settlement Ratio


Territory & Jurisdiction




Premium ----

Policy Benefits

No Subscription Fees/Annual Fees/Legal Fees

Covers defense cost

Covers legal liability including defense cost to reply to legal notices

Cost of Representation

Covers compensation for claims arising as a result of verdict from court

Covers claims arising out of bodily injury of patients

Covers claims arising out of death of patient

Lawyer Appointment Service

Best AOA:AOY Ratio - 1:1

Covers multiple cases upto sum insured

Excess: 0.25% claim subject to minimum of Rs. 1000

ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited

Premium ----

Claim Settlement Ratio


Territory & Jurisdiction




Premium ----

Policy Benefits

Defence cost

Breach of Confidentiality

Loss of Document

Retro-active date coverage in case of no break in policy

Claims arising out of death of any patient

Claims arising out of bodily injury of patients

Compensation for claims arising as a result of verdict from court

Covers multiple cases upto sum insured

Cost of Representation

Out of court settlement upto sum insured

COVID 19 Medical Negligence Cover

Excess: Nil deductible

Best AOA:AOY ratio- 1:1

PAN India coverage

Experienced Medical Lawyer Appointment service

No Subscription Fees/Annual Fees/Legal Fees

Quick Guide to Doctor's PI

Professional Indemnity Insurance for Doctors

Doctors, while rendering the service attend to a large number of patients on a daily basis. They are responsible for making decisions related to patients' diagnosis, they prescribe medicines, advise treatments and even conduct surgeries. These decisions are very important and critical for patients' well-being.

A minor medical negligent mistake committed by the doctor while performing the duties might impact patient's health adversely. Such cases often lead to patients suing the doctors in court and court may award huge compensatory damages which the doctors may not be able to afford. Here comes the need of a Doctor's Professional Indemnity Insurance Product.

Professional indemnity insurance for doctors (also known as Medical Malpractice Insurance) is one of the types of liability insurance policy specifically designed for Doctors. It covers defense costs and compensatory damages which arise due to any error committed while rendering the service in your professional capacity as a Doctor.

A Doctor's PI insurance policy provides protection to doctors against claims arising out of injuries and/or death of any patient caused by or alleged to have been caused by error, omission or negligence in professional services.

Features of a Doctor's Indemnity Insurance Policy

Some of the important features, terms and conditions of a Doctor's Indemnity Insurance Policy are given hereunder:

  1. Applicability

    This insurance policy covers legal liability arising from errors and omissions on the part of registered health care practitioners while rendering the service.

  2. Standard Proposal Form

    Insurers obtain dully filled and completed standard proposal form at inception and at subsequent renewals.

  3. Standard Policy Form

    All policies fresh and renewal, both, are issued in the standard policy forms prescribed by the insurance companies.

  4. Premium

    The premium rates under this policy are charged annually. Full premium under this policy has to be paid at the time of inception.

  5. Retroactive Date

    Retroactive Date coverage provides risk insurance cover from the date when the policy is first time bought by the doctor under a claims made policy and thereafter has been renewed without any break in policy.

  6. Compulsory Excess

    All policies issued under professional indemnity insurance agreement are subject to a mandatory excess (also, called compulsory deductible). It is generally mentioned as a fixed percentage of the limit of indemnity as per any one accident or any one year subject to a minimum amount agreed by the insurer, for each and every claim.


  • Claims arising out of bodily injury of any patient caused by medical negligence, error or omission
  • Claims arising out of death of any patient caused by medical negligence, error or omission
  • Covers legal liability including defense cost to reply to legal notices
  • Covers compensation for claims arising as a result of verdict from court
  • Cost of representation
  • Omission
  • Medical negligence while rendering the professional services


  • Third party public liability
  • Punitive & Exemplary Damages
  • Fines & Penalties
  • Pure Financial Losses
  • Any criminal act, violation of law/ordinance
  • Services while under influence of intoxicants/narcotics
  • Liability arising out of hair weaving, punch grafts, flap rotations and pure cosmesis procedures

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Doctor's PI: FAQs

1. Why a doctor should buy a professional indemnity insurance policy?

Doctors, as professionals face the significant risk of a financial liability in the course of practicing their profession. The amount they can be sued for can be really exorbitant. Hence, in order to protect themselves legally and financially, when they are sued for medical negligence or mistakes, they should have a special insurance- doctor's professional indemnity insurance policy in place.

2. What is the need for a Doctor's PI policy?

As per the recent report shared by, over 5.2 million medical malpractice cases have been filed in India, annually. Medical malpractice happens daily in hospitals, clinics, and other care settings throughout India. A research from the National Library of Medicine, published in 2022, shows an alarming annual incidence rate of up to 5.2 million cases related to medical malpractice across various healthcare settings in India. To protect themselves from such cases, doctors should consider buying a Doctor's PI policy

3. What is Professional Negligence?

Any error, omission or an un-intentional negligence made by a medical practitioner during diagnosis or treatment of the patient resulting in bodily injury to patient or illness/sickness or even death of the patient.

4. Is buying a professional indemnity insurance policy, mandatory in India?

Buying a professional indemnity insurance policy is not mandatory in India but is highly recommended, as the same safeguards the doctors against legal and financially losses which may occur due to an error, omission or negligence made by them while attending to patients doing diagnosis, treatment or surgery.

5. What is AOA: AOY limit?

AOA limit stands for Any One Accident Limit. This implies the maximum amount that the insurance company will pay for any one incident that leads to a claim.

AOY limit stands for Any One Year limit. This implies the maximum amount that the insurance company will pay for any number of claims during the policy period (which is of 1 year)

6. What is a retroactive date in Doctor's Indemnity Insurance Policy?

Retroactive date is the date when the insurance risk is incepted under a claims made policy and thereafter renewed without break in the period of cover

7. How to buy a Doctor's PI policy from PolicyX?

Buying a Doctor's PI policy from PolicyX is just a 5 minutes-process. All you have to do is fill in the below details and an insurance-advisor will get assigned to you who will be there at your service to help you buy the Doctor's PI policy and answer all your queries:

  • Mention your full name
  • Location
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID
  • Choose your specialization

8. How to file a claim under a Doctor's Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy?

One can file a claim under a Doctor's Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy by following the below mentioned simple steps:

  • Intimate the claim to us in writing by mentioning complete details in sequence
  • Submit all the related documents of that claim
  • Share the deficient documents, if any, as and when the same gets asked by the insurance company

9. When can a claim get rejected under a Doctor's PI policy?

If a claim is falling under the exclusions of Doctor's PI policy which are mentioned as below, then only a claim can be rejected:

  • Non-disclosure of any material facts like claims history
  • Performing services under influence of alcohol or toxic substances
  • Violation of any laws, rules and regulations
  • Claims which arise out of procedures or treatments performed before retroactive date
  • Proven intentional negligence

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