Network hospitals
Claim settlement ratio
Sum insured
Up to 2 Cr
No. of Plans
Solvency Ratio
Pan India Presence
HDFC ERGO My:Optima Secure health insurance plan offers value that you might require in future to fight against medical discrepancies. Providing you and your near and dear ones with SO MUCH benefits, the gift of better health, that too without compromising on optimal health coverage. The whopping 4x cover comes with no extra cost and enhances the healthcare experience with its worldwide reach. You get to pay your premium anytime you like, without paying anything extra.
Wasn’t it enough to get you stuck on this page? All the standard inclusions of healthcare needs such as pre and post-hospitalisation, unlimited day-care procedures and discount options would never disappoint you. Let us tell you, this is not over yet! But if you want to know more about the HDFC ERGO optima secure policy, read further through this page.
To understand HDFC ERGO Optima Secure Plan Insurance in detail, take a look at the below table:
18 years to No Maximum Limit
Individual and Family Health Insurance
5 L | 10 L | 15 L | 20 L | 25 L | 50 L | 1 Cr | 2 Cr
30 Days
1/2/3 years
*Initial Waiting Period is the time period between the issuance of the policy and the time it starts actively. During this period, a policyholder has to wait to avail of the benefits offered under a health insurance plan.
Read more specifications in the brochure.
With wide coverage options available, HDFC ERGO Optima Secure Plan Insurance Plan allows you to choose your ideal coverage as per your family’s health requirements. Take a look at the coverage under every SI option available and choose your ideal coverage:
Room Rent
ICU Charges
Domiciliary Hospitalization
Daycare Treatment
OPD Charges
Not Covered
COVID-19 Treatment
No Claim Bonus
Automatic Restoration
Daily Hospital Cash
Organ Donor
Maternity Cover
Not Covered
New Born Baby Cover
Not Covered
AYUSH Treatment
IVF Treatment
Not Covered
Modern Treatment
Not Covered
Air Ambulance
Compassionate Travel
Not Covered
Global Coverage
Health Check-Up
Second Medical Opinion
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
Not Covered
The room rent limit is the maximum bed charge you can claim if you are hospitalised. Common Room categories covered under room rent are all kinds of rooms including single, private and AC rooms (except suite).
It is a special hospital department where patients with serious medical conditions are treated.
Medical expenses incurred before hospitalisation of the policyholder.
Medical expenses incurred after the discharge of the policyholder from the hospital.
Domiciliary hospitalization or home care treatments are the arrangements for an insured individual due to the unavailability of medical amenities in hospitals, or in a case where an insured member can not be admitted to the hospital due to an inability. The treatment should last equal to or more than 72 hours to get financial coverage.
Treatments that can be completed within 24 hours of hospitalization like blood dialysis, cataracts, etc.
Covers the cost of doctor consultations and prescribed medical tests that may not require hospitalization. .
It includes the treatment cost for COVID-19 with a confirmative diagnosis from a government-approved centre.
A common eye condition in which your vision gets blurred due to cloudy formation in your eyes.
For every claim-free year, insurance companies reward policyholders with an increase in the sum insured amount as a no-claim bonus or cumulative bonus on policy renewal. However, in the case of a claim, this bonus amount either lapses or is reduced by a certain percentage varying from one plan to the other.
It is a benefit in which an insurance company restores the amount of sum insured completely or up to a certain percentage after it gets fully exhausted in treatments. This restoration amount may vary from one plan to the other.
Daily hospital cash or Hospicash is a cash amount that you receive each day during the time of hospitalization to cover your non-medical expenses.
It is a cover that includes the cost of the procedure for removing the damaged or malfunctioning organs from the body. In most of the cases, the insurer pays for the hospitalization and transplant expenses for both the parties i.e. the donor and the receiver.
It refers to the cover that includes expenses for normal and c-section deliveries.
It takes care of the medical expenses that arise due to the hospitalisation of the newborn baby in case of any childbirth complications, medical challenges, and so on. Some of the common treatments that are covered under the newborn cover and these common treatments can vary from plan to plan:
Refers to the cost of medicines and procedures used under AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) treatment.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a method of assisted reproductive technology. The common expenses incurred under IVF and infertility treatments are settled or reimbursed for:
Medical treatments that demand the use of modern technology and advanced machinery such as robotic surgeries, stem cell therapy, etc.
An ambulance is used to move the patient from home to the hospital, transfer them to another hospital, and take them for different tests outside the hospital.
Air ambulances are specially prepared planes that transfer the patient from one place to another in case of a health emergency.
Refers to the travelling expenses of a family member who’s visiting the hospital to look after the patient when the policyholder gets admitted to a hospital outside his/her residential city.
Any kind of medical/health emergency when you are outside of India is covered for hospitalization expenses, modern and specific treatments, etc.
If a policy offers e-consultation it allows policyholders to connect with a doctor for medical consultation through video chat, audio call, or chatbot.
A facility where the policyholder can avail of free health check-ups after fulfilling the company's eligibility criteria. In most cases, the insured member/s gets an annual health check-up cover.
If the policyholder wants, they may opt for a second medical opinion wherein the policyholder can consult another doctor within the company’s network of medical practitioners.
Coverage against the expenses incurred on vaccinations of either the newborn baby, for an animal bite, etc is provided by the insurance companies.
In the co-payment clause, policyholders have to pay a preset amount (either compulsorily or voluntarily) of the hospitalisation expense on their own and the insurer will pay the rest of the medical bill amount.
Sub limit is a condition in which the insurer will have to pay the medical expense up to a certain percentage and the remaining amount will have to be paid by the policyholder. For instance, if your policy covers room rent for upto 20% of the sum insured, but the expense of the same is more than 25%, you will have to pay the rest amount, i.e. 5%, for your room rent.
The key features associated with HDFC Ergo Optima Secure are as follows:
Here are some of the standard benefits of HDFC ERGO Optima Secure plan that you should know before investing in it:
Procedure charges, cost of disposables, and cost of consumables covered
Avail 25 to 60% off and on the 5th year of the policy, the deductible will be waived.
Get many discounts such as family, long-term, and online.
You can extend the policy tenure, sum insured limit, family inclusion numbers, etc as needed.
HDFC ERGO Optima Secure Health Plan 2024
HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Network Hospitals are present in 31 states nationwide. With a wide network of hospitals, HDFC ERGO Health Insurance ensures that you are medically secured, irrespective of the city you reside in.
Permanent diseases or health conditions that are not included under HDFC Ergo Optima Secure Plan are:
Hospitalization out of war, riot, strike, and nuclear weapons
Intentional self-injury
Miscarriage, and abortion
Congenital disease
Infertility and in vitro fertilization
Certain diseases and treatments are covered under this plan after a certain period. Read the details below:
Listed ailments after 24 Months
Pre-existing diseases after 36 Months
To cater to the different medical needs of an individual & their family, HDFC ERGO Health Insurance offers several Health Plans ranging from senior citizen plans to specialized plans for autistic children, to health insurance for cardiac patients, and many more.Take a look below to HDFC ERGO Health Insurance plans explore more:
Women Health Insurance
HDFC My: Health Women Suraksha is a comprehensive policy that is designed to cater to the evolving needs of health and well-being of today's women. T...
Unique Features
Individual and Family Health Insurance
The Arogya Sanjeevani Policy from HDFC ERGO is a basic plan designed for individual or family floater coverage. It provides you with the precise medic...
Unique Features
Individual and Family Health Insurance
Are you sceptical about finding the best health insurance plan that protects you and your family under one roof? Read further to learn about the exclu...
Unique Features
Individual and Family Health Insurance
HDFC ERGO My:Optima Secure health insurance plan offers value that you might require in future to fight against medical discrepancies. Providing you a...
Unique Features
Accidental deaths or injuries can be devastating, it can attack your physical, emotional, mental, and financial status to ruin your happy life moment...
Unique Features
Critical Illness Health Insurance
iCan Cancer Insurance is a cancer-specific plan offered by HDFC Health Insurance Company. The plan covers medical expenses incurred during the treatme...
Unique Features
Individual and Family Health Insurance
HDFC ERGO Health Suraksha Plan is a comprehensive plan from the house of HDFC ERGO Insurance Company that aims at providing 360-degree protection agai...
Unique Features
HDFC ERGO Health Insurance offers an Energy Diabetes plan which is ideal for those who are suffering from diabetes Type 1, diabetes mellitus Type 2, p...
Unique Features
Individual and Family Health Insurance
HDFC ERGO Health Insurance's Health Wallet plan by HDFC ERGO Health Insurance is a comprehensive health insurance plan that not only ensures your heal...
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Top Up and Super Top Up
HDFC Ergo super top-up plan is the best option by HDFC Ergo to ensure a cushion of ample cover to get the best medical treatment without any restricti...
Unique Features
Individual and Family Health Insurance
HDFC ERGO Koti Suraksha is a health insurance plan that provides a sum insured of up to INR 1 crore. Koti Suraksha Plan by the HDFC ERGO Insurance Com...
Unique Features
Individual and Family Health Insurance
HDFC ERGO Optima Restore Policy is the best-selling plan of HDFC ERGO since its launch. It offers comprehensive health cover to you and your family un...
Unique Features
HDFC Ergo Optima Secure health plan is available for: 18 years to no maximum age limit for adults 91 days to 25 years maximum entry age for dependent children
HDFC Ergo Optima Secure plan offers you a wide range of sum insured options like 5 L, 10 L, 15 L, 20 L, 25 L, 50 L, 1 and 2 Crore.
Yes, COVID-19 expenses are covered under the HDFC Ergo Optima Secure plan.
In a family floater policy, a maximum of 4 adults and a maximum of 6 dependent children can be included in a single policy. The relationships that can be covered are spouses, dependent children, parents, and parents-in-law.
Yes, organ donor expenses related to organ transportation or preservation and organ donor’s pre-and post-hospitalisation expenses are all covered.
Yes, policyholders can avail of the benefit of no-cost installment. This feature is available to one-year policyholders.
When an individual purchases HDFC Ergo Optima Secure the base cover gets doubled instantly upon purchase, without having the need to claim it. If any individual purchases the policy with a sum insured of INR 10 lakh the secure benefit allows the sum insured to double up to INR 20 lakh immediately which can then be used for any number of admissible claims.
When an individual purchases HDFC Ergo Optima Secure they can avail of the plus benefit that offers a 50% increase on 1st policy renewal after 1 year and a 100% increase after 2 years.
Yes, HDFC Ergo Optima Secure covers medical expenses incurred by policyholders on home hospitalization, if advised by the Doctor on a cashless basis.
Yes, policyholders are covered for COVID-19 under HDFC Ergo Optima Secure.
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Lives In: Delhi, NCR Expertise: Health & Term Insurance Simran has an experience of 4 years in content writing. She transitioned from hospitality and digital marketing to the insurance industry after her emerging interest in how vast insurance is. With her ability to write complex insurance concepts in a simple, relatable manner, she keeps her audience hooked and solves their doubts smoothly.
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