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Term & Life Insurance
Himanshu is a content marketer with 2 years of experience in the life insurance sector. His motto is to make life insurance topics simple and easy to understand yet one level deeper for our readers.
Health Insurance
Raj Kumar has more than a decade of experience in driving product knowledge and sales in the health insurance sector. His data-focused approach towards business planning, manpower management, and strategic decision-making has elevated insurance awareness within and beyond our organisation.
Updated on Aug 07, 2023 4 min read
A plethora of online services is offered by Life Insurance Corporation to balance the transactions and affairs of its customers promptly. E-services of LIC include the entire range of services and capabilities which were once accessible only via LIC offices.
Keeping track of the information related to a certain policy and LIC policy status online is an option that is offered by the insurer. It intends to keep the policyholder informed regarding policy premium due dates and other events. There are various means to check LIC policy details like policy number, premium details and more. Moving on with the first method, one is required to make a registration by creating a user account and fill in their LIC policy details to view his/her policy status.
How to register online if you are not already a registered user and check your LIC policy details is also discussed in the sub topics below.
For New Users:
{Please follow the link for LIC Online Login Process}
For Registered Users:
LIC has provided Interactive Voice Response system 24×7 available in almost all cities in the country. A LIC policyholder can dial the UAN- Universal Access Number ’1251’ and contact the customer care of the corporation. You can ask for queries and also check the policy status directly overcall.
For BSNL & MTNL Users: | Dial ’1251’ |
For other Network User (Landline/Mobile): | Dial the Local City Code Followed by ’1251’ |
You can also reach out to the LIC regional and zonal offices. Following are the regional offices in India, classified into 7 zones:
Eastern Zone | Western Zone |
Northern Zone | Eastern Zone |
Central Zone | North Central Zone |
South Central Zone |
Let’s have a look at the characterized zonal city-wise "Email IDs & Customer Support Numbers" along with ’Local City Codes’ to know the LIC Policy Status over phone calls.
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Asansol | Tel: 0341-2256012 |
Berhampur | Tel: 0680-2296390 |
Bhagalpur | Email: customerzone_bhagalpur[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0641-2610011, 2610033, 2610099 |
Bhubaneshwar | Email: customerzone_bhubaneswar[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0674-2573910, 0674- 2573911 |
Cuttack | Email: customerzone_cuttack[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0671-2307883, 0671-2307889 |
Dhanbad | Email: customerzone_dhanbad[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0326-2225344 , 0326-2225345 |
Hazaribagh | Tel: 06546-272611 |
Jamshedpur | Email: customerzone_jamshedpur[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0657-2443228, 0657-2443229 |
Kolkata | Email: customerzone_kolkata-sub[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-22124172 or 033-22124176 |
Kolkata(S) | Email: customerzone_kolkata-sub[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-2337-0642 |
Kolkata-II | Email: customerzone_kolkata-do2[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-2419-8476 |
Muzaffarpur | Email: customerzone_muzaffarpur[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0621-2281023 |
Patna | Email: customerzone_patna[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0612-2332033, 0612-2201795 |
Sambalpur | Tel: 0663-2541388 |
Begusarai | Tel: 0624-3245265 |
Bongaigaon | Tel: 03664-228281 |
Guwahati | Email: customerzone_guwahati[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0361-2450389 |
Howrah | Email: customerzone_howrah[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-2637-4387 |
Jalpaiguri | Tel: 03561-255443 |
Jorhat | Tel: 0376-2361613 |
Kharagpur | Tel: 03222-253302 |
Silchar | Tel: 03842-241716 |
Siliguri | Email: customerzone_Siliguri[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0353-2545739 |
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Ahmedabad | Email: customerzone_ahmedabad[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 1. 079-27490619. 2 . 079-27461032 and 079-27461662 |
Amravati | Tel: 0721-2660145 |
Aurangabad | Tel: 0240-2329299 |
Bhavnagar | Tel: 0278-2421963 |
Dwarka | Email: customerzone_dwarka[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 011-28042585 |
Gandhinagar | Email: customerzone_gandhinagar[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 079-23240083, 23240383 |
Goa | Email: customerzone_goa[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0832-2490100 |
Kolhapur | Tel: 0231-2661135 |
Mumbai-I | Email: customerzone_mumbai[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-26788943 |
Mumbai-II | Email: customerzone_mumbai2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-27725968/022-27723592 |
Mumbai-III | Email: customerzone_mumbai-do3[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-28912605/022-28913760 |
Mumbai-IV | Email: customerzone_mumbai-do4[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-28482907 |
Nadiad | Tel: 0268-2532134 |
Nagpur | Email: customerzone_nagpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0712-2450083, 0712-2450080 |
Nanded | Tel: 02462-221777 |
Nashik | Tel: 0253-2317607 |
Nerul | Email: customerzone_mumbai2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 27725968 |
Pune | Email: customerzone_pune[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 020-25539790 |
Pune-II | Tel: 020-24217638 |
Rajkot | Email: customerzone_rajkot[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0281-2581318, 2581319, 2483210 |
Satara | Tel: 02162-224708 |
Surat | Email: customerzone_surat[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0261-2801833, 2770227 |
Thane | Email: customerzone_thane[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-25423226, 25421474 |
Vadodara | Tel: 0265-2225188 |
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Agra | Email: customerzone_agra[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0562-2524912 |
Ajmer | Tel: 0145-2661878 |
Amritsar | Email: customerzone_amritsar[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0183-2560673 |
Bikaner | Tel: 0151-2225920 |
Chandigarh | Email: customerzone_chandigarh[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0172-2678107 |
Delhi | Email: customerzone_delhi[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 1800112552/011-23310868 |
Delhi-II | Email: customerzone_delhido2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 011-22785930 |
Gurgaon | Email: customerzone_gurgaon[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0124-2576060, 2578060, 2570060 |
Jaipur | Email: customerzone_jaipur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0141-2702845 |
Jalandhar | Email: customerzone_jalandhar[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0181-2480967 |
Jammu | Email: customerzone_jammu[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0191-2479717, 2479791 |
Jodhpur | Email: customerzone_jodhpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0291-2657117 or 0291-2635076 |
Karnal | Email: customerzone_karnal[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 1842-208400 |
Ludhiana | Email: customerzone_ludhiana[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0161-2424074 |
Noida | Email: customerzone_noida[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0120-2444026 |
Rohtak | Tel: 1262-228328 |
Shimla | Tel: 0177-2629212 |
Srinagar | Tel: 0191-2475839 |
Udaipur | Tel: 0294-2488581 |
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Chennai | Email: customerzone_chennai[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 044-28611912, 044-28611642 |
Chennai-II | Email: customerzone_ch-2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 044-25331915 |
Coimbatore | Email: customerzone_cbe[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0422-2300300 |
Ernakulam | Email: customerzone_ernakulam[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0484-2383883 |
Hubli | Email: customerzone_hubli[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0836-2255073, 2264333, 2264233 |
Kottayam | Email: customerzone_ktm[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0481 2302408 |
Kozhikode | Email: customerzone_kkd[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0495-2725583, 0495-2726006 |
Madurai | Email: customerzone_madurai[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0452-2370361 |
Mangalore | Email: customerzone_mangalore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0824 -2426255 |
Salem | Email: customerzone_salem[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0427- 2440588 |
Thanjavur | Tel: 04362-233678 |
Tiruchirappalli | Email ID: customerzone_tcy[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0462-2577070 |
Tirunelveli | Email ID: customerzone_tvl[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0431-2741000 |
Trivandrum/Thiruvananthapuram | Email ID: customerzone_tvm[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0471-2335222 |
Vellore | Email ID: customerzone_vlr[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0416-2252202 |
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Bhopal | Email: customerzone_bhopal[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0755-2550242 |
Bilaspur | Tel: 07752-2203732 |
Gwalior | Email: customerzone_gwalior[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0751-2630272 |
IndoreGulbarga | Email: customerzone_indore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0731-2533523 |
Jabalpur | Email: customerzone_jabalpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0761-2407283 |
Raipur | Email: customerzone_raipur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0771-2210010 |
Satna | Tel: 07672-228100 |
Shahdol | Tel: 07652-248469 |
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Aligarh | Tel: 0571-2420066 |
Allahabad | Tel: 0532-2401854 |
Bareilly | Tel: 0581-2301712 |
Dehradun | Tel: 0135-2668231 |
Faizabad | Tel: 5278-244261 |
Gorakhpur | Tel: 0551-2230322 |
Haldwani | Tel: 05946-267886 |
Kanpur | Email: customerzone_kanpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0512-2307443 |
Lucknow | Email: customerzone_lucknow[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0522-2614782 |
Meerut | Tel: 0121-2671201 |
Varanasi | Email: customerzone_vns[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0542-2220457 |
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Bangalore | Email: customerzone_bangalore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 080-22966528 & 22966553 |
Bangalore-II | Email: customerzone_banglr2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 080-22966836/896 |
Belgaum | Email: customerzone_belgaum[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0831-2438856, 2438857 |
Dharwad | Tel: 0836-2441968 |
Gulbarga | Email: customerzone_gulbarga[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 08472-233030 |
Guntur | Email: customerzone_guntur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0863-2222772, 2211476, 0863-2211562 |
Hyderabad | Email: customerzone_hyderabad[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 040-23420730, 23420740 & 23420761 |
Kadapa | Tel: 08562-247017 |
Karimnagar | Tel: 0878-2240597 |
Machilipatnam | Tel: 08672-223372 |
Mysore | Email: customerzone_mysore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0821-2341096, 2341099 |
Nellore | Tel: 0861-2323072 |
Raichur | Tel: 08532-232432 |
Rajahmundry | Tel: 0883-2423832 |
Secunderabad | Email: customerzone_secunderabad[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 040-27820146, 27820136 |
Shimoga | Tel: 08182-251320 |
Udupi | Tel: 0820-2536907 |
Vijaywada | Email: customerzone_vijaywada[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0891-2533211 |
Visakhapatnam/Vizag | Email: customerzone_vizag[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0891-2558254, 2513404 |
Warangal | Email: customerzone_warangal[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0870-2574034 |
Besides the option of online registration, you can check the LIC policy status through ’SMS’ from your mobile phone. This reduces the mess of remembering the password to check the online policy status.
Do not forget the ’policy number’ as it is necessary to get all the details through this process.
To know the status via SMS, type ’ASKLIC’ followed by the function <Policy Number> specific code and send it to the phone number 56767877.
There are various types of SMS codes for a variety of services. Let’s have a look at the following:
Enquiry Type | SMS code (Send to 56767877) |
Instalment Premium | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>PREMIUM" |
Revival Amount | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>REVIVAL" |
Status of Nominations Added | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>NOM" |
Bonus Additions | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>BONUS" |
Loan Amount Available | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>LOAN" |
Send ’SMS’ for LIC Pension Policy
Enquiry Type | SMS code (Send to 56767877) |
Status of Individual Policy Plan (IPP) | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>STAT" |
Existence Certificate Due | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>ECDUE" |
Last Annuity Release Date | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>ANNPD" |
Annuity Amount | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>AMOUNT" |
Cheque Return Information | Write "ASKLIC<Policy Number>CHQRET" |
It is the value or the amount paid to the policyholder on discontinuation of policy and collects it from LIC. The Surrender Value is only payable after full payment of premiums for at least 3 years. As per the rules and regulations, the bonus also gets attached to it if the policy is participating one.
To check the surrender value of the policy, one can calculate easily by applying the below-mentioned formula.
Basic Sum Assured (Total Number of Payable Premiums/Number of Paid Premiums)+Total Bonus Received × Surrender Value Factor.
It always happens with everyone, in everyday hustle people tend to forget to pay the premiums at regular intervals on-time. That is why it is crucial to keep a track and check the policy status at least once every two months so that if any premium by mistake got missed in the recent month due to any reason, you would be able to pay it within the grace period of next month. Not only this, but you will be up-to-date about the detailed information and transitional bonuses offered by the policy. If the premiums will not be paid timely, the policy gets lapsed, and you along with your family shall not be able to enjoy the benefits of the plan. Even the revival of the policy is time-taken and troublesome if the premiums got delayed and the policy has already lapsed for more than 6 months. So, to keep you and family insured and independent always it is advisable to check the policy status at regular intervals and pay the premiums within the due date.
A couple of minutes to check the status of the policy won’t cost you much!
Losing your LIC policy document can be a stressful experience, but you can still check the status of your LIC policy by providing your policy number and other required details. You can visit the LIC website, use the LIC mobile app, or visit the nearest LIC branch office to know the status of your policy and follow the steps given below:
In conclusion, If you have lost the policy document, the company has offered various steps to retain it back. It is advised to keep the documents carefully, in order to avoid any hassles.
Jeevan Akshay- VII (Table No. 857) is a single premium, non-linked, and non-participating immediate annuity plan. It pays annuity or pension to the po...
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LIC Nivesh Plus is a unit-linked, non-participating, and single-premium individual life insurance plan. It offers insurance cum investment benefits th...
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LIC Bima Shree Policy is a traditional, non-linked, and with-profit money-back life insurance policy that features guaranteed additions to provide sec...
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LIC SIIP is a unit-linked non-participating individual life insurance plan. The plan comes out as an opportunity to monetize the investment options of...
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LIC Navjeevan is a newly launched plan by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. It is a non-linked with profit endowment assurance plan. It is a co...
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LIC has been very dynamic in introducing plans according to different individuals' demands. The LIC Komal Jeevan Plan is exclusively fabricated for ch...
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LIC Micro Bachat Plan (Table No. 951) is a traditional, non-linked, participating micro-insurance plan that offers dual benefits of protection as well...
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LIC Jeevan Saathi is basically an endowment assurance policy that is there to ensure the lives of husband and wife. It offers the required financial p...
Unique Features
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is an Indian insurance company owned by the Government of India. It was founded on 1st September 1956 and is headquar...
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(A Perfect Gift For Your Beloved Daughter) LIC Kanyadan policy is the perfect financial coverage for your daughter with a very low premium. Unlike oth...
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Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana is a single premium payment pension plan. This pension plan offers an option to either choose the amount of pension...
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LIC Jeevan Saral is an Endowment Assurance plan under which the proposer has simply to choose the amount and mode of premium payment. The plan comes o...
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It is a traditional endowment with death and maturity benefits to the policyholder. Even a bonus facility is given along. In this plan, the premium is...
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LIC New Endowment Plan-one of the best policy by LIC India. The LIC New Endowment plan (Plan No: 914) is a must-avail plan considering the many benefi...
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For the financial security of children and families, the LIC Jeevan Lakshya Plan (Plan No: 933) is the most suitable one. It is a collection of saving...
Unique Features
LIC Jeevan Rakshak Plan (Table No. 827) is a participating non-linked plan that provides a combination of insurance and savings. As the name suggests,...
Unique Features
LIC New Jeevan Anand is a participating non-linked plan providing a combination of both protection and savings. The plan offers financial protection a...
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LIC Jeevan Umang (Plan No: 945) is a conventional, with-profit, non-linked endowment plan with complete life insurance coverage. The policy provides t...
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LIC’s Aadhaar Shila Plan (Plan No: 944) is a non-linked insurance plan, with profits and a regular premium-paying endowment plan. This plan is a...
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LIC's Aadhaar Stambh Plan (Plan No: 943, UIN: 512N310V01) is a non-linked insurance plan, with profits and a regular premium-paying endowment plan. It...
Unique Features
Of the many efficient plans of LIC, the Jeevan Shikhar Plan stands out in terms of benefits and simplicity of terms. The endowment plan was initially ...
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LIC Jeevan Akshay VI Plan is an immediate annuity pure pension plan for senior citizens provided by one of the top ranked insurance companies in India...
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The LIC New Money Back Plan 20 Years (Plan No: 920)was floated on January 6, 2014 to cater to the financial needs of the business and the salaried cla...
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LIC Jeevan Shagun is a non-linked, participating, savings with protection single premium Money-Back plan. The policy provides high life cover in the e...
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When it comes to offering a complete insurance suite of the most comprehensive financial security in terms of health and life, you are in safe hands w...
Unique Features
LIC launched the Bima Diamond Plan (table No. 841) on September 19, 2016. This is a non-linked plan, i.e. it doesn't depend on the share market. It is...
Unique Features
Ever come across a large pile of banknotes? You know, by winning the lottery or hitting the jackpot at your favorite casino? Your first instinct must ...
Unique Features
The future of the world depends on the strength of the children today. But if they are not prepared for that purpose, the dream will be unattainable. ...
Unique Features
LIC's Jeevan Tarun is basically a participating non-linked limited premium plan that offers a great combination of protection along with savings for y...
Unique Features
This plan has double roles to play. Firstly, this plan is applicable for safeguarding a family after the untimely death of the policyholder. Secondly,...
Unique Features
LIC Jeevan Labh (Plan No: 936) is a limited premium paying, non-linked (Not dependent on equity-based funds and money/share market) with-profit endowm...
Unique Features
Registering yourself on the LIC portal is extremely easy and hassle-free. e-Services by LIC allows new users to begin registering by choosing their own credentials first. Simply fill out the form for registration available online, along with any documents (if required) and submit. Once you have registered successfully, you will receive a confirmation message on the email ID that you have provided. In the email, you will notice a link. Click on the link and you will be taken to a webpage wherein you will be able to link your policy with your account.
The answer is yes! A customer should check their policy status regularly to avoid the risk of policy lapse. It could cost you dearly and you may need to pay additional money to revive the policy. You must check premiums, due dates, and other factors to stay on top of every detail about your policy.
People who have not registered themselves online can check their LIC policy status in a jiffy by means of SMS and phone call service.
There are no charges involved in getting LIC policy status updates. However, SMS charges may apply if you use that service as per your provider. If you are a registered user on the online portal, you can simply log in and view the details.
Login to the LIC website and add the accurate details, your policy number will be displayed on the screen.
You can check your LIC policy details online by simply logging on to the official website of LIC India with your LIC login credentials.
Yes, you can get the details of your LIC policy by the policy number. You can visit the LIC website or the nearest LIC branch office to know the details of your policy.
For a LIC policy status check, you can visit the LIC website and enter your policy number and other required details. You can also use the LIC mobile app or send an SMS to LIC with your policy number to know the status of your policy. Additionally, you can visit the nearest LIC branch office to know the status of your policy. Now the policy status can also be known through our Interactive Voice Response Systems in selected cities to find out if your city is covered. Major cities are connected by LIC’s computerized networks, so the status will be available in any of the branches..
The LIC policy status indicates the current status of your policy. It shows whether your policy is active or inactive, and whether the premium payments are up-to-date or not.
You can still check your LIC of India Policy Status by applying for a duplicate policy at the branch. It is essential to keep your policy document safe and secure to avoid such situations.
Yes, you can update the status of your LIC policy online by visiting the LIC website or using the LIC mobile app, or visiting the nearest branch with the related policy documents.
The "in force" status in LIC policies means that your policy is active, and the premium payments are up-to-date. This status indicates that your policy is valid and will provide coverage as per the terms and conditions of the policy.
The lapsed status in LIC policies means that your policy has expired due to non-payment of premium. This status indicates that your policy is no longer active and will not provide coverage. You can revive your policy by paying the overdue premium within a specified time period.
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Himanshu is a seasoned content writer specializing in keeping readers engaged with the insurance industry, term and life insurance developments, etc. With an experience of 2 years in insurance and HR tech, Himanshu simplifies the insurance information and it is completely visible in his content pieces. He believes in making the content understandable to any common man.
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