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Naval Goel, the founder of PolicyX is a well-recognised name in the Indian insurance and finance industry. His global overview has revolutionised the way insurance is perceived and bought by commoners in India.
Updated on Aug 07, 2023 4 min read
Term Insurance, Content Writer
Content Manager with heart, mind, and soul dedicated to creating impactful content that exceeds the market standard, delivers and reaches the readers conveniently. Besides producing high-ranking content, my focus lies in creating content that solves user queries and adds value.
Written By: Himanshu Kumar
Updated on Jan 15, 2025
Term Insurance, Content Manager
Content Manager with heart, mind, and soul dedicated to creating impactful content that exceeds the market standard, delivers and reaches the readers conveniently. Besides producing high-ranking content, my focus lies in creating content that solves user queries and adds value.
Reviewed By: Anchita Bhattacharyya
15 min read
LIC is the oldest and affordable participant in the insurance sector, offering the best coverage at minimal costs due to which people can trust and buy LIC policy for themselves and their families. After purchasing a LIC life insurance policy, many people are worried about how to get in touch with the customer support team for necessary information required related to the policy. Many queries arise post-purchase of policy wherein the customer is unable to contact the customer care for guidance and further assistance.
Here, we have mentioned the full contact details to get in touch with the support team anytime and anywhere. You can also approach to the customer care centre from your nearest LIC branch.
One can connect with the LIC support for any of the below-mentioned services:
Let’s have a deep insight into the LIC customer support details and know how to contact them in need.
You may contact the following city-wise "Email IDs & Customer Support Numbers" along with ’Local City Codes’ according to their specific zones:
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Asansol | Tel: 0341-2256012 |
Berhampur | Tel: 0680-2296390 |
Bhagalpur | Email: customerzone_bhagalpur[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0641-2610011, 2610033, 2610099 |
Bhubaneshwar | Email: customerzone_bhubaneswar[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0674-2573910, 0674- 2573911 |
Cuttack | Email: customerzone_cuttack[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0671-2307883, 0671-2307889 |
Dhanbad | Email: customerzone_dhanbad[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0326-2225344 , 0326-2225345 |
Hazaribagh | Tel: 06546-272611 |
Jamshedpur | Email: customerzone_jamshedpur[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0657-2443228, 0657-2443229 |
Kolkata | Email: customerzone_kolkata-sub[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-22124172 or 033-22124176 |
Kolkata(S) | Email: customerzone_kolkata-sub[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-2337-0642 |
Kolkata-II | Email: customerzone_kolkata-do2[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-2419-8476 |
Muzaffarpur | Email: customerzone_muzaffarpur[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0621-2281023 |
Patna | Email: customerzone_patna[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0612-2332033, 0612-2201795 |
Sambalpur | Tel: 0663-2541388 |
Begusarai | Tel: 0624-3245265 |
Bongaigaon | Tel: 03664-228281 |
Guwahati | Email: customerzone_guwahati[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 0361-2450389 |
Howrah | Email: customerzone_howrah[at]licindia[dot] Tel: 033-2637-4387 |
Jalpaiguri | Tel: 03561-255443 |
Jorhat | Tel: 0376-2361613 |
Kharagpur | Tel: 03222-253302 |
Silchar | Tel: 03842-241716 |
Siliguri | Email: customerzone_Siliguri[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0353-2545739 |
*Last Updated on 09-02-2021
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Ahmedabad | Email: customerzone_ahmedabad[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 1. 079-27490619. 2 . 079-27461032 and 079-27461662 |
Amravati | Tel: 0721-2660145 |
Aurangabad | Tel: 0240-2329299 |
Bhavnagar | Tel: 0278-2421963 |
Dwarka | Email: customerzone_dwarka[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 011-28042585 |
Gandhinagar | Email: customerzone_gandhinagar[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 079-23240083, 23240383 |
Goa | Email: customerzone_goa[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0832-2490100 |
Kolhapur | Tel: 0231-2661135 |
Mumbai-I | Email: customerzone_mumbai[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-26788943 |
Mumbai-II | Email: customerzone_mumbai2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-27725968/022-27723592 |
Mumbai-III | Email: customerzone_mumbai-do3[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-28912605/022-28913760 |
Mumbai-IV | Email: customerzone_mumbai-do4[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-28482907 |
Nadiad | Tel: 0268-2532134 |
Nagpur | Email: customerzone_nagpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0712-2450083, 0712-2450080 |
Nanded | Tel: 02462-221777 |
Nashik | Tel: 0253-2317607 |
Nerul | Email: customerzone_mumbai2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 27725968 |
Pune | Email: customerzone_pune[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 020-25539790 |
Pune-II | Tel: 020-24217638 |
Rajkot | Email: customerzone_rajkot[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0281-2581318, 2581319, 2483210 |
Satara | Tel: 02162-224708 |
Surat | Email: customerzone_surat[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0261-2801833, 2770227 |
Thane | Email: customerzone_thane[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 022-25423226, 25421474 |
Vadodara | Tel: 0265-2225188 |
Last Updated on 09-02-2021
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Agra | Email: customerzone_agra[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0562-2524912 |
Ajmer | Tel: 0145-2661878 |
Amritsar | Email: customerzone_amritsar[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0183-2560673 |
Bikaner | Tel: 0151-2225920 |
Chandigarh | Email: customerzone_chandigarh[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0172-2678107 |
Delhi | Email: customerzone_delhi[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 1800112552/011-23310868 |
Delhi-II | Email: customerzone_delhido2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 011-22785930 |
Gurgaon | Email: customerzone_gurgaon[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0124-2576060, 2578060, 2570060 |
Jaipur | Email: customerzone_jaipur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0141-2702845 |
Jalandhar | Email: customerzone_jalandhar[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0181-2480967 |
Jammu | Email: customerzone_jammu[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0191-2479717, 2479791 |
Jodhpur | Email: customerzone_jodhpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0291-2657117 or 0291-2635076 |
Karnal | Email: customerzone_karnal[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 1842-208400 |
Ludhiana | Email: customerzone_ludhiana[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0161-2424074 |
Noida | Email: customerzone_noida[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0120-2444026 |
Rohtak | Tel: 1262-228328 |
Shimla | Tel: 0177-2629212 |
Srinagar | Tel: 0191-2475839 |
Udaipur | Tel: 0294-2488581 |
*Last Updated on 09-02-2021
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Chennai | Email: customerzone_chennai[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 044-28611912, 044-28611642 |
Chennai-II | Email: customerzone_ch-2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 044-25331915 |
Coimbatore | Email: customerzone_cbe[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0422-2300300 |
Ernakulam | Email: customerzone_ernakulam[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0484-2383883 |
Hubli | Email: customerzone_hubli[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0836-2255073, 2264333, 2264233 |
Kottayam | Email: customerzone_ktm[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0481 2302408 |
Kozhikode | Email: customerzone_kkd[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0495-2725583, 0495-2726006 |
Madurai | Email: customerzone_madurai[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0452-2370361 |
Mangalore | Email: customerzone_mangalore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0824 -2426255 |
Salem | Email: customerzone_salem[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0427- 2440588 |
Thanjavur | Tel: 04362-233678 |
Tiruchirappalli | Email ID: customerzone_tcy[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0462-2577070 |
Tirunelveli | Email ID: customerzone_tvl[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0431-2741000 |
Trivandrum/Thiruvananthapuram | Email ID: customerzone_tvm[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0471-2335222 |
Vellore | Email ID: customerzone_vlr[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0416-2252202 |
*Last Updated on 09-02-2021
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Bhopal | Email: customerzone_bhopal[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0755-2550242 |
Bilaspur | Tel: 07752-2203732 |
Gwalior | Email: customerzone_gwalior[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0751-2630272 |
IndoreGulbarga | Email: customerzone_indore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0731-2533523 |
Jabalpur | Email: customerzone_jabalpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0761-2407283 |
Raipur | Email: customerzone_raipur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0771-2210010 |
Satna | Tel: 07672-228100 |
Shahdol | Tel: 07652-248469 |
*Last Updated on 09-02-2021
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Aligarh | Tel: 0571-2420066 |
Allahabad | Tel: 0532-2401854 |
Bareilly | Tel: 0581-2301712 |
Dehradun | Tel: 0135-2668231 |
Faizabad | Tel: 5278-244261 |
Gorakhpur | Tel: 0551-2230322 |
Haldwani | Tel: 05946-267886 |
Kanpur | Email: customerzone_kanpur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0512-2307443 |
Lucknow | Email: customerzone_lucknow[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0522-2614782 |
Meerut | Tel: 0121-2671201 |
Varanasi | Email: customerzone_vns[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0542-2220457 |
Name of the City | Email ID & Phone No. |
Bangalore | Email: customerzone_bangalore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 080-22966528 & 22966553 |
Bangalore-II | Email: customerzone_banglr2[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 080-22966836/896 |
Belgaum | Email: customerzone_belgaum[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0831-2438856, 2438857 |
Dharwad | Tel: 0836-2441968 |
Gulbarga | Email: customerzone_gulbarga[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 08472-233030 |
Guntur | Email: customerzone_guntur[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0863-2222772, 2211476, 0863-2211562 |
Hyderabad | Email: customerzone_hyderabad[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 040-23420730, 23420740 & 23420761 |
Kadapa | Tel: 08562-247017 |
Karimnagar | Tel: 0878-2240597 |
Machilipatnam | Tel: 08672-223372 |
Mysore | Email: customerzone_mysore[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0821-2341096, 2341099 |
Nellore | Tel: 0861-2323072 |
Raichur | Tel: 08532-232432 |
Rajahmundry | Tel: 0883-2423832 |
Secunderabad | Email: customerzone_secunderabad[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 040-27820146, 27820136 |
Shimoga | Tel: 08182-251320 |
Udupi | Tel: 0820-2536907 |
Vijayawada | Email: customerzone_vijaywada[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0891-2533211 |
Visakhapatnam/Vizag | Email: customerzone_vizag[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0891-2558254, 2513404 |
Warangal | Email: customerzone_warangal[at]licindia[dot]com Tel: 0870-2574034 |
*Last Updated on 09-02-2021
If you do not have time to have a conversation just drop a message to the customer service staff for any type of query. Type a SMS with the message "LICHELP followed by the < Policy Number>" and send it to ‘9222492224’ or ‘56767877’.
You can call directly to the LIC customer care for assistance related to insurance policies;
Call at 022 6827 6827 for 24✕7 services.
LIC Toll-Free Number: 1800 425 9876
Timings for the toll-free services are as follows:
Monday - Friday | 08:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. |
Saturday | 10:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. |
*Last Updated on 09-02-2021
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